Princess Pageant

Admission:  $10 Adults, Seniors & Student  $5

P.O.Box 128
Negaunee, MI  49866
(906) 486-8084
Contact us:

Duties of the Pioneer Princess

  • ​Throw the first pitch for the Alumni Softball championship in July
  • Award the Alumni Softball T-shirts to the winning team in July
  • Ride with Santa on the firetruck to the annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Santa visit in November

2010 - Kylee Brewer-Karki

2009 - Payton Drew
2008 - Madysen Kontio
2007 - Malorie Munson
2006 - Samantha Richards
2005 - Jesslyn Ward
2004 - April Walimaa
2003 - Shelby Olesky
2002 - Kylee Taavola
2001 - Gabrielle Martin
2000 - Hailey Juidici
1999 - Samantha LaJoie
1998 - Stephanie Langner-Heino

Past Pioneer Princesses

2024- Adelaide Chaudier

2023- Hadley Herron &

           Olivia Niemi

2022 -  Julia Plaxco
​2019 -  Aylee Guenette
​2018​ -  Camryn Sandstrom​
​2017​ - Emmeline Chaudier

2016 - Addison Thornton
2015 - Abbey Rexford
2014 - Madeline Leece
2013 - Morgan Ulvila
2012 - Jillian Skewis
2011 - Kestin Logan

2025 Pioneer Princess Pageant

Thursday, July 10th